Used Bhkw for sale (9)
Combined heat and power plant
Holzgas BHKW50 KW elektrisch 120 KW thermisch
Generator – Power Plant
Wood chip gasifier and cogenerator
Spanner Re2 GmbHBHKW / SJHV
+44 20 806 810 84
DDR 330 kVA BHKW emergency power generator
VEB SKL Magdeburg DDRSKL 8NVD26 A2
Wood gasifier, CHP
Spanner Re² GmbH, JenbacherHKA 70 und BHKW TYP JMS 320 GS-SL
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Block heating and power plant
Block heating and power plant
Spanner BHKW45-8,0-V1.1
Gas engine
Combined heat and power plant
agriKomp GmbHBGA/NGA136
Used Bhkw (9)
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+44 20 806 810 84