Used Manipulators for sale (30)

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Industrial automation technology Manipulators
Assembly Manipulator HBI-ROBOTICS
Assembly Manipulator HBI-ROBOTICS
Assembly Manipulator HBI-ROBOTICS
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8,036 km

Assembly Manipulator

Certified Dealer
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot ABB IRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5
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Trenčianske Stankovce
8,453 km

ABB IRB 6640 M2004, IRC5 Robot
ABBIRB 6640-130/3.2m M2004, IRC5

Certified Dealer
Automatic Measuring System PCam/Comau CMM 655 CNC
Automatic Measuring System PCam/Comau CMM 655 CNC
Automatic Measuring System PCam/Comau CMM 655 CNC
Automatic Measuring System PCam/Comau CMM 655 CNC
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Germany Germany
7,870 km

Automatic Measuring System
PCam/ComauCMM 655 CNC

Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
Vacuum lifter GGR MRT411LDC30
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Poland Częstochowa
8,372 km

Vacuum lifter

Certified Dealer
Handheld control unit / PHMI hand held control unit 8A SASSE Elektronik 1360.9915201, 13609915201
Handheld control unit / PHMI hand held control unit 8A SASSE Elektronik 1360.9915201, 13609915201
Handheld control unit / PHMI hand held control unit 8A SASSE Elektronik 1360.9915201, 13609915201
Germany Dresden
8,063 km

Handheld control unit / PHMI hand held control unit 8A
SASSE Elektronik1360.9915201, 13609915201

Certified Dealer
Placke handling device Comformatic VT 500 Placke Comformatic VT 500
Placke handling device Comformatic VT 500 Placke Comformatic VT 500
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Germany Melle
7,680 km

Placke handling device Comformatic VT 500
PlackeComformatic VT 500

Manipulator Alfa Star
Manipulator Alfa Star
Manipulator Alfa Star
Manipulator Alfa Star
Manipulator Alfa Star
Manipulator Alfa Star
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Poland Wrocław
8,235 km

Alfa Star

Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
Push-down stacker Nutek NTM 225 PDM
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Romania Jucu
8,920 km

Push-down stacker
NutekNTM 225 PDM

Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
Drum lifter Dalmec PMC
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United Kingdom Misterton
7,085 km

Drum lifter

Certified Dealer
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
Robotized welding station Kawasaki / BEAR BEAR RT Kawasaki
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Poland Targowisko
8,491 km

Robotized welding station
Kawasaki / BEARBEAR RT Kawasaki

Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Cylindrical roller bearings FAG NN3030-AS-K-M-SP
Germany Dresden
8,063 km

Cylindrical roller bearings

Certified Dealer
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 200
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
7,826 km

Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology
JÄGER HANDLINGHandy-flex 200

Certified Dealer
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
High speed handling robot Kawasaki  YF03N-A001
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Germany Borken
7,614 km

High speed handling robot
Kawasaki YF03N-A001

Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
Handling manipulator dalmec PVC
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Germany Emden
7,550 km

Handling manipulator

Certified Dealer
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
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United Kingdom Misterton
7,085 km

Barrel drum lifter

Certified Dealer
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Germany Essen
7,652 km

6-axis robot

Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
Handling manipulator Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbH PAR_21
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Germany Kürten
7,695 km

Handling manipulator
Weiz Industrie und Robotetertechnik GmbHPAR_21

Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology JÄGER HANDLING Handy-flex 300
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
7,826 km

Handling device, handling system; manipulator for screwdriving technology
JÄGER HANDLINGHandy-flex 300

Certified Dealer
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable Eisenmann
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Germany Kanzach
8,019 km

Skid Conveyor Technology Turntable

Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
Vacuum manipulator
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Poland Wysoka
8,091 km

Vacuum manipulator

Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
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United Kingdom Misterton
7,085 km

Barrel drum tipper

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg SHINI SS-700
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Poland Wrocław
8,237 km

Shini pneumatic picker up to 0.5 kg

2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi GETECHA GL-20S
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
7,826 km

2-axis NC handling device, automatic unloader, inserter, servo robot, unloading robot, handling devi

Certified Dealer
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota  1080
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
7,826 km

Turntable, 180° indexing table, turntable with aluminum plate, positioning table, rotary table, rota

Certified Dealer
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOT PS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78
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Germany Hessisch Lichtenau
7,826 km

2-axis linear guide with linear motors - Slide arm pick and place with linear guides for automation
SCHUNK - GEMOTEC - AFAG - LINMOTPS01-37x240-M + E1100-MT + T01-/72/420 + EPM 37-78

Certified Dealer

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