Used Bomar for sale (23)
Cold saws
Metal band saw horizontal
Bomarergonomic 320.258 DGH
Sawing machine
BomarAL 600
+44 20 806 810 84
Band saw
BomarSTG 230 DG
Band saw
BomarCLS 420.420
Discover more used machines
Band saw
BomarEasyCut 275.230 DG
Band saw
BOMARergonomic 290.250 A NC
Belt sanding machine
BomarbSander 150.200 & 75.200
Band saw
Bomar 450SL
Panel Saw
Band Saw - Automatic - Horizontal
BOMARergonomic 290.250 GAC
Bandsaw - Horizontal
BOMAReconomic 510.320 DG
Band saw
BomarProduction 280
Semi-automatic band saw with miter
Bomarindividual 520.360 DGH
Sawing machine
BOMARErgonomic 250 DGANC
BOMARIndividual 620.460 DGH
Electronic length stop
Manual band saw with mitre R/L
Bomarergonomic 340.278 DG
Automatic Band Saw
BOMARErgonomic 290.250.GANC
Manual band saw with miter R/L 60°
Bomarworkline 410.280 DG
Semi-automatic band saw, mitre R/L
Bomarergonomic 340.278 DGH
Metal band saw
Bomarworkline 510.350 DGH
Manual band saw
Bomareasycut 275.230 DG
Used Bomar (23)
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+44 20 806 810 84